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General Neurology in Houston, TX

Frequently-Asked Questions About General Neurology

Neurology Consultants Of Houston provides general neurology services to patients throughout Houston, TX, and the surrounding areas. From an electromyography test to migraines treatment, we offer our valued patients a wide range of comprehensive services. Below, we’ve answered some frequently asked questions about general neurology. If you or a loved one is experiencing signs or symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), concussion, epilepsy, migraine, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, or stroke, please reach out to our team today.

What Services Do We Provide?

At Neurology Consultants Of Houston, we offer a wide range of services. If you or a loved one needs care for a neurological issue, our committed and experienced neurologists are here to help. The services we provide at our state-of-the-art facility in Houston, TX include:

  • General Neurology – When treating neurological conditions, you need a doctor who has experience treating them and understands how challenging they are to deal with.
  • Electromyography – Also referred to as EMG, electromyography is a technique that evaluates and records the electrical activity produced by the skeletal muscles in your body.
  • Neuromuscular/Peripheral Nerve Disease Treatment – This broad term includes the many ailments that can cause impairment to the proper function of the muscles. Neuromuscular disease can cause muscle spasms or muscle paralysis.
  • Headaches/Migraines Treatment –When it comes to receiving the proper treatment for chronic head pain, it is essential to know which kind of headache is causing it. Headaches are often treated with a generalized pain reliever, but this does not work for all types of headaches. We offer treatment for migraines so that our patients don’t have to live with head pain.
  • Neurologic Botox Injections – Botox can help many disorders where excessive muscle contraction causes pain, disfigurement, or movement impairment. Botox is a protein molecule made of amino acids linked together in two connected chains.

  • Seizures/Epilepsy Treatment – Epilepsy is a seizure disorder in which brain signals fire off abnormally, causing strange emotions, behavior, muscle spasms, and loss of consciousness.
  • Infusion Center – Our state-of-the-art infusion suite in Houston provides an ideal environment for treating our patient’s conditions. Our suite is furnished with 12 reclining chairs, tablets, large screen TVs, audio equipment, and a migraine quiet room.
  • Strokes Treatment – Each person who suffers from a stroke will be affected differently. It depends on what area was damaged and how severely.
  • Multiple Sclerosis Treatment – Also referred to as MS, multiple sclerosis is caused by the immune system eating away at the protective covering of the nerves.
  • Movement Disorders Treatment – neurological conditions that affect movement are known simply as movement disorders. These disorders can disturb the speed and ease of movement. Dr. Vanderlick uses Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) to treat movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, with good results.

How Do I Know If My Headache Is A Migraine?

Headaches typically consist of mild and dull pressure that can mainly be felt throughout the forehead or scalp. Migraines usually consist of intense pulsing and throbbing pain mainly felt on one side of the head. Sometimes, migraines can be accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and even vomiting. We may recommend a variety of treatment methods for migraines, including Botox.

What Are Common Neurological Disorders?

There is a wide range of common neurological disorders. Some of the most common ones and the ones we treat at our state-of-the-art facility in Houston, TX include the following:

  • Neuromuscular/Peripheral Nerve Disease – This broad term includes the many ailments that can cause impairment to the proper function of the muscles.
  • Headaches/Migraines –When it comes to receiving the proper treatment for chronic head pain, it is essential to know which kind of headache is causing it. Headaches are often treated with a generalized pain reliever, but this does not work for all types of headaches.
  • Seizures/Epilepsy – Epilepsy is a seizure disorder in which brain signals fire off abnormally, causing strange emotions, behavior, muscle spasms, and loss of consciousness.
  • Strokes – Each person who suffers from a stroke will be affected differently. It depends on what area was damaged and how severely.
  • Multiple Sclerosis – Also referred to as MS, multiple sclerosis is caused by the immune system eating away at the protective covering of the nerves.
  • Movement Disorders – neurological conditions that affect movement are known simply as movement disorders. These disorders can disturb the speed and ease of movement.

What Neurological Testing Do We Offer?

There is a wide range of available neurological testing. Some of the neurological testing offered at our state-of-the-art facility in Houston, TX includes the following:

  • General Neurology – When treating neurological conditions, you need a doctor who has experience treating them and understands how challenging they are to deal with.
  • Electromyography – Also referred to as EMG, electromyography is a technique that evaluates and records the electrical activity produced by the skeletal muscles in your body.
  • Neurologic Botox Injections – Botox can help many disorders where excessive muscle contraction causes pain, disfigurement, or movement impairment. Botox is a protein molecule made of amino acids linked together in two connected chains.
  • Infusion Center – Our state-of-the-art infusion suite in Houston provides an ideal environment for treating our patient’s conditions. Our suite is furnished with 12 reclining chairs, tablets, large screen TVs, audio equipment, and a migraine quiet room.

What Is Neuromuscular/Peripheral Nerve Disease?

Also known as peripheral neuropathy, this particular ailment differs from a neuromuscular disease. It usually occurs in the hands and feet. Although the most common cause is diabetes, peripheral nerve disease can also be caused by injury, infection, or exposure to toxins. The symptoms often include numbness and weakness in the area pain and a pins and needles sensation.

How Is Neuromuscular/Peripheral Nerve Disease Treated?

Treatment will depend on a patient’s symptoms and their underlying condition.

What Are Movement Disorders?

Neurological conditions that affect movement are known simply as movement disorders. These disorders can disturb the sufferer’s movement’s speed, ease, or quality. Abnormal speed or ease of movement – known as dyskinesia – can include excessive or involuntary movement – hyperkinesia – or slowed or absent voluntary movement – hypokinesia.

How Are Movement Disorders Treated?

At the Neurology Consultants Of Houston, we work to personalize each patient’s therapy toward their particular neurological condition and the symptoms they suffer from. We offer multiple methods, such as drug therapies and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) to help control your movements. We also offer injections to help prevent muscle contractions. We will work with you to find what treatment best suits your unique needs.

Contact Neurology Consultants Of Houston Today

At Neurology Consultants Of Houston, we strive to ensure that our patients are as comfortable as possible when they visit our clinic. New and existing patients have 24/7 access to our patient portal, which allows them to communicate directly with their physician, request prescription refills, schedule appointments, pay medical bills, access their medical history, and more. Our patient portal minimizes in-office wait time, so you see your physician as quickly as possible. If you have additional questions about general neurology that weren’t addressed on this page, please contact our office today.

We can provide the help that you need for your neurological condition.